About Our Church

“The Waikiki Baptist Church is becoming a “Therefore, GO…” Church, by helping people connect with God, connect with others and connect others with God.”

Our Mission Statement Is:

The Waikiki Baptist Church is becoming a “Therefore, GO…” Church, by helping people connect with God, connect with others and connect others with God.

We are striving to become a “Therefore, GO” church instead of a “Therefore, COME” church. Matthew 28:19 says, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations.” Everything we do is to fulfill the great commission.
We are part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and ascribe to The Baptist Faith And Message. We support the Cooperative Program of the SBC and contribute to a “Great Commission” fund.
What better place on earth is there to meet people from every country in the world than Waikiki? Before the Covid-19 pandemic on average 30,000 people a night resided in the hotel rooms year round. In addition to tourists, Waikiki is home to another 30,000 people who call this .7 mile stretch of land, home. Thus the sign leaving our auditorium is true, “You are now entering the mission field.”
We pray that if you are a local person looking for a home church or a tourist seeking a place where Scripture will be preached every week, that you will be inspired to make disciples of Jesus Christ as you walk out our doors.
Please come and join us for Worship and then join one of our Ohana Groups.

Church Planting

Waikiki Baptist is a church-planting church. It is our goal not only to make disciples who make disciples but also to plant churches who plant churches who make disciples who make disciples.

We are part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and ascribe to The Baptist Faith And Message. We support the Cooperative Program of the SBC and take seriously the mandate in Scripture (Matthew 28:19-20) to be a “Therefore Go” church. We believe we must GO out into our community making disciples of all people, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded.

What better place on earth is there to meet people from every country in the world than Waikiki? On average 30,000 people a night reside in hotel rooms year round. In addition to tourists, Waikiki is home to another 30,000 people who call this .7 mile stretch of land, home. Thus the sign leaving our auditorium is true, “You are now entering the mission field.” A few of the ways we attempt to minister to our community are through Hale Kipa (an outreach ministry to run away youth), and our Night Light ministry where we go out and offer prayers and support to our late night community.