Bridge Events
Bridge Events
Bridge Events are ways we engage our community directly in an effort to connect them with God.
Events include but not limited to:
- Night Light Ministry
- Church-Wide Picnics
- Easter Sunrise Service on the beach
- Ohana Day Parade on July 4 weekend
We are bridging the gap between our community and Christ by following the principles laid out in Acts 1:8
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Let’s take these going backward.
TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH. We have a partnership with an IMB family in France and also a couple of families in Laos.
OUR SAMARIA – For us, our Samaria is the Mainland USA. When we hear of a natural disaster we either send someone to assist with disaster relief or send some financial assistance to help out our sister churches.
OUR JUDEA – We consider any ministry or mission we do here in the state of Hawaii as reaching our Judea. As such we sponsored a church plant on the Island of Kauai. Last year they constituted and are now on their own reaching that community. You can read about the Kauai House Church Network.
JERUSALEM – For Waikiki Baptist members Waikiki is our Jerusalem. Our Bridge events are designed to Bridge the gap between our community and Christ! Take a look at the graphic. There is a process we have in fulfilling the Great Commission.
First we go into our community and reach the person who is a non-believer. We do this through Street Ministry, Night Light, Easter SonRise Service on the Beach, Parades, Picnics, etc. Anything to grab the attention of someone needing Jesus.
We then will bring them with us to our services both Worship Services and our Ohana Group System.
Our goal is to train our people to eventually lead their own Ohana Group which would be disciples making disciples. Thus, Bridge events have a purpose and not just fun events for the church members to participate in.
Join us for our next Bridge Event. You may contact Pon Kool at for more information.